Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Film Noir
So schoo is coming to a close and I couldn't be more exited! In my classes all we are doing is watching movies. The government ones are the best though. We're watching these old movies that nobody has ever heard about. One such movie is called Failsafe. It's about the cold war and how through a very complex and technical means these airplane pilot's get sent to drop a nice on Moscow. Which is pretty bad by it's self, but the real problem is the Failsafe system. It is the system that says to not take any further orders until the job is done. That way someone can't impersonate the president or give orders that aren't real. Well this is a very cool and intense movie. But what was really cool about it was that it was filmed as Film Noir. Film Noir is a type of movie that usually is filmed with sharp contrast and odd angles. What really makes it exiting for me to watch the old film noir movies is that for my Film technology competition for TSA Joey and I accidentally made a film noir. We didn't realize it until we learned what it was. Anyways I'll post some video clips of "Lamb to the Slaughter" (the movie for TSA) later after I get this blogger thing figured out. And for a good definition of film noir check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film_noir